
Classic Horror Collection

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Entregas para el CP:

  • Haedo / Perito Moreno 6 (Casi esquina Rivadavia) / Horario de atencion: Lunes a Sabados de 9 a 20hs / La web y el local de Haedo son dos puntos de venta diferentes. Antes de realizar la compra o bien una vez finalizada, comunicarse a nuestro numero de whatsaap a fin de coordinar el dia de retiro por sucursal. / 11 30 72 78 78 (Solo mensajes) / Muchas Gracias!

This chilling collection of scary stories will keep you awake for hours! Psychological horrors, disturbing dramas, and gruesome ghosts compose this compendium of stories made in the dead of night. From vampires and an unstoppable heart and haunting apparitions, anecdotes of supernatural terror will have you turning pages long past the midnight. Allow famous authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, H. P. Lovecraft, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, and more to prey upon your emotions and peace of mind.